Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cultural Diversity Through Cooking

While doing an event where Art Smith (may know as Oprah's personal chef or executive chef at Chicago's Table Fifty-two) was the chef for the evening he mentioned an organization called Common Threads. This organization helps bridge cultural boundaries and strengthens our global family by teaching children about their similarities and differences in the warm comfort of the kitchen: Through the simple process of preparing and sharing a nutritious meal, children who participate in these programs learn to connect with their bodies, their neighbors, and their world in bite-sized lessons.

Students learn basic kitchen skills, cooking techniques, and the importance of fresh ingredients as they prepare healthy ethnic cuisine together. Chef Instructors incorporate nutrition tips and cultural information into lessons that teach our students how to connect with their bodies, their neighbors, and their world in a healthy way.

Throughout the year, volunteers help fulfill Common Threads' mission to educate children on the importance of nutrition and physical well-being and to foster an appreciation of cultural diversity through cooking. They accept volunteers 18 years and older of all races, abilities, and religions.

If you are interested in volunteering or participating in various events throughout the year go to

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