Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy 2010

Happy New Year! Hope you all had a safe and happy celebration. Now's the time to set some resolutions (besides the typical getting into shape, the most borrrring pledge in the world). Here are a few of mine for 2010. I resolve to:
- Spend more quality time with my husband and puppy
- Finally paint my downstairs bathroom and dining room
- Throw away items that I have not used for over a year - I need the storage space too as extra motivation
- Actually read and soak in the information in my (600 page) wine study guide so that I can become certified as a wine specialist.

I could probably go on and on but I will stop there for now to keep things realistic. By regularly engaging in meaningful activities that give you pleasure - whether it's visiting friends, picking up a hobby, taking a class or doing volunteer work - you'll simply have less time to engage in the behavior that you want to reduce. Therefore hopefully being able to keep this year's resolutions!

Now what are your resolutions??

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